Famous Guzheng performer,educator
Member of Chinese Musicians Association
Vice President of Guzheng Association
Executive director of China National Orchestra Association
Vice Director of Guzheng Professional Committee
著名古筝演奏家教育家,上海音乐学院教授,硕士生导师;上海戏剧学院客座教授;中国音乐家协会会员及古筝学会副会长;中国民族管弦乐学会常务理事及古筝专业委员会副长;上海音乐家协会理事及古筝专业委员会会长等。 多次荣获文化部“园丁奖”;全国宝钢教育基金“优秀教师奖”;上海市文艺人オ基金优秀教师奖”;上海音乐学院“贺绿汀基金奖院长奖”等。 从教三十年来培养有五十余名学生在“上海之春”、“文华艺术院校奖”、“CCTV”、“金钟奖”等国家级的专业比赛中获得金、银、铜奖。多次担任CCTV、金钟奖、文华奖等重大比赛评委; 先后与上海民族乐团、上海交响乐团、澳门中乐团、新加坡鼎艺团、中央歌剧舞剧院民乐团、江苏省演艺集团、中央民族乐团、中国广播电影交响乐团、台北市立国乐团等合作并赴亚欧美及港澳台地区举办音乐会及大师班讲座。作为当代古筝领域著名古筝艺术家其艺术成就被收入《中国音乐家辞典》《中国音乐家名录》等。
Famous guzheng performer,educator; Member of Chinese Musicians Association and vice President of Guzheng Association; Executive director of China National Orchestra Association and Vice Director of Guzheng Professional Committee; Director of Shanghai Musicians Association and President of Guzheng Professional Committee, etc. Over the past 30 years, she has more than 50 students who have won gold, silver and bronze medals in national professional competitions such as "Spring in Shanghai", "Wenhua Art Academy Award", "CCTV" and "Golden Bell Award". She acted as judge of “CCTV”, “Golden Bell Award”, “Mandarin Award” and other major competitions for many times. She has cooperated with Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Macau Chinese Orchestra, Singapore Ding Yi Ensemble, China Central Opera and Dance Theatre Orchestra, Jiangsu Performing Arts Group, China National Orchestra of China Radio and Film, And Taipei Li Guo Orchestra, and has held concerts and master class lectures in Asia, Europe, the United States, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. As a famous contemporary guzheng artist, her artistic achievements have been included in the “Dictionary of Chinese Musicians” and the “List of Chinese Musicians”.