Academic Information and Regulations


Registration takes place at the beginning of each semester. All students are required to register and no one will be granted entry to classes without having completed registration. After audition and acceptance and before the first day of classes, new students will receive placement for ensembles and instructions for registration in both music and academic courses.

Registration is not complete until all fees are paid. Each semester’s tuition is due and is to be paid before lessons begin.

Transfer Credit  

Transfer credit is not permitted through other colleges.


Through the generosity of various individuals and organizations, many scholarships have been established. All college students are eligible to apply for scholarships.  Scholarships are awarded on the basis of talent, community contributions and require letters of recommendation. The scholarship is for one year and may be renewed annually during the student’s study period, depending on the student’s progress in the study and the funds available. Students who are placed on academic probation will not be eligible for scholarship renewal. In cases of withdrawal, scholarships are automatically canceled. Applications are on the website under “Scholarships application form”.

Graduation Requirement

– Erhu Performance Diploma

Candidates for the Erhu performance Diploma must earn a minimum of 160 hours with an overall average of 70%. Students are expected to complete at least two years in residence during which time course works will include private study, ensemble participation, and presentation of two full adjudicated solo recitals. The maximum time allotted for completion of all requirements is three consecutive years from the date of initial enrollment.

– GuZheng Performance Diploma

Candidates for the GuZheng performance Diploma must achieve a minimum average of 70 in all of the courses and the two recitals. Students must pass the recitals at the end of Guzheng 102 and Guzheng 202 to be deemed completion of the program. Students are expected to finish all requirements in the minimum of two years, and the maximum time allotted for completion is normally three consecutive years from initial enrollment and may be subject to new requirements, including course upgrades, additional tuition, and administration fees.

Writing for Theatre, Musical & Film Diploma

Candidates for the Writing for Theatre, Musical & Film Diploma must attend at least 80% of the instructional hours, achieve a passing grade of 60% or higher in each course, and submit all assignments and projects as required.


The success of the College Program requires regular and punctual attendance at all scheduled classes.  Students are required to notify the teachers in advance if they are unable to attend class, either in person or by email.  More than 3 unexcused absences results in the loss of one letter grade.

Standard of Conduct

All students are expected to maintain a professional attitude toward their performance and classroom commitments. Regular punctual attendance at and preparation for rehearsals and classes are crucial to the attainment of professional artistic goals. It is expected that the students will conduct themselves in a manner that does not discredit in any way and that they avoid all forms of dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism.  Our college reserves the right to dismiss any student who does not pay fees or does deliberate acts to prevent the holding of any class, lesson, rehearsal, or performance.

While on-premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by our college, students:

  • Must comply with all applicable college policies, including the Attendance Policy
  • Must treat all students and staff with respect and must not engage in physically aggressive, threatening, harassing, discriminatory, or otherwise offensive behaviour
  • Must not steal, misuse, destroy or deface college  property
  • Must not consume, possess or distribute alcohol or controlled or restricted substances;
  • Must not contravene any provision of the Canadian Criminal Code or any other federal, provincial, or municipal statute or regulation.

Since student misconduct threatens the proper functioning of our college, penalties may include:

  • Warning
  • Rejection of submitted work
  • Cancellation of scholarships, bursaries, or work-study positions
  • Probation or suspension
  • Expulsion from the exam, the course, or the program
  • Legal action


All concerns relating to student misconduct shall be directed to the Senior Education Administrator. Concerns may be brought by staff, students, or the public.

The Senior Education Administrator will arrange to meet with the student to discuss the concern(s) within 5 school days of receiving the complaint.  If the alleged conduct is of such a serious nature that an immediate dismissal may be warranted the Senior Education Administrator will meet with the student as soon as possible.

Following the meeting with the student, the Senior Education Administrator will conduct whatever further inquiry or investigation is necessary to determine whether the concerns are substantiated.

Any necessary inquiries or investigations shall be completed within 5 school days of the initial meeting with the student.

The Senior Education Administrator will meet with the student and do one of the following:

  • Determine that the concern(s) were not substantiated;
  • Determine that the concern(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part, and either:
  • Give the student a warning setting out the consequences of further misconduct;
  • Set a probationary period with appropriate conditions; or
  • Recommend that the student be dismissed from the Institution.

The Senior Education Administrator will prepare a written summary of the determination.  A copy shall be given to the student, and the original will be placed in the student’s file.

If the student is issued a warning or placed on probation, the Senior Education Administrator and the student both sign the written warning or probationary conditions and the student is given a copy.  The original document is placed in the student’s file.

If the recommendation is to dismiss the student, the Senior Education Administrator of the school will meet with the student to dismiss him or her from studying at the school.  The head of the school will deliver to the student a letter of dismissal and a calculation of refund due or tuition owing, depending on the status of the student’s financial account with the school.

If a refund is due to the student, the head of school will ensure that a cheque is forwarded to the student within 30 days of the dismissal.

If the student owes tuition or other fees to the school, the head of the school may undertake the collection of the amount owing.

Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Policy

The Canada YC Music Academy is committed to ensuring that its learning environment promotes the respectful and fair treatment of all students. CYCMA has a responsibility to provide a safe and civil environment for students; appropriate behaviour is expected from students, administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers.  While on YCMA premises or during activities or events hosted by CYCMA, bullying, harassment, intimidation, and discrimination are prohibited.

Bullying, harassment, intimidation, or discrimination means any gesture or written, verbal or physical act that takes place on school property, or at any school-sponsored function that: a) is motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, colour, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability; and, b) a reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that the act(s) will have the effect of harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his person or damage to his property; or c) has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school.

If you wish to report an incident of improper behaviour at CYCMA, you should contact either the College Registrar at(email) or the Senior Education Administrator at (email).  All conversations will be strictly confidential. VAM will not, in any way, retaliate against any individual who, in good faith, makes a complaint or report of improper behaviour, or participates in the investigation of such a complaint or report.

The Senior Education Administrator will determine which course of action or punishment is necessary, as outlined in CYCMA’s Standard of Conduct Policy.

Dispute Resolution Process

When a concern arises, the student should first attempt to address it with the individual most directly involved.  If unsatisfied with the outcome, the student should submit a written complaint to the College Registrar within thirty days.  Should this person be absent or be named in the complaint the student should submit the written complaint to the Executive Director.

The College Registrar or Executive Director will arrange to meet with the student to discuss the concern as soon as possible and within 10 days of receiving the student’s written complaint.  Following the meeting with the student, the College Registrar or Executive Director will conduct whatever inquiries and/or investigations are necessary and provide a written response to the student that includes reasons for the determination on the complaint.  The written reasons will be provided no later than 21 days following the receipt of the student’s written complaint.

Students making a complaint may be represented by an agent or a lawyer.  Students will not be subject to any retaliation as a result of their complaint.  After exhausting the dispute resolution process, a student may file a claim with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education ( on the basis that the institution misled the student regarding any significant aspect of an approved program.


  • a) Eligibility

A student will be eligible to sit for an examination at CYCMA provided that the student is registered for the course leading to the examination, or the student has been specifically authorized to sit the examination under the following sections of these regulations.

  • b) Supervision

For each examination, there will be an invigilator who will be responsible for the conduct of the examinations. Each examination will be conducted on the date and time assigned to the student by the instructor. The time allowed for the examination will be that specified on the question paper. No additional time will be allowed for candidates who arrive late for an examination. A candidate may be liable to such penalties as CYCMA may determine for any misconduct or breach of the examination regulations.

  • c) Absence from examination

In the case of absence from an examination through ill health, the candidate must submit a relevant medical certificate and a written explanation of the absence, to be received by the Executive Director within seven days of the examination. A student who, with acceptable cause, misses a mandatory examination may be permitted to take a regular examination at the next examination period or be permitted to take a special or supplemental examination if such an examination is available. A $75.00 fee will be charged for a special or supplementary examination.

  • d) Examination grade

Examination grades will be made available to the student along with the final course grade.

  • e) Appeal of Grade

Although final grades are reviewed carefully before release, students will have the right to appeal. The appeal should be submitted in writing, accompanied by the grade appeal fee ($50.00), to the Registrar, to arrive within twenty-one days of the mailing date of grades. The grade appeal fee will be refunded if the appeal is successful. The appeal should contain full particulars of the grounds of the appeal.  Grade appeal will be considered by a committee, which includes the appropriate academic representatives of the subject, and chaired by the Executive Director. Appeals will be adjudicated within 21 days of receipt of the paperwork.

Academic Standing

All academic records for students are kept on file in the College Registrar’s office and are available to students on request. At the end of each semester, students are provided with an unofficial transcript of grades; this includes their grade point average and credits accumulated for that semester.

Students remain in good standing as long as they maintain a 2.0 grade-point average. Students whose grade-point averages fall below this level will be placed on academic probation for one semester. A student placed on academic probation will have his/her status reviewed by the Executive Director and/or College Registrar and may be suspended from college if satisfactory progress is not made by the end of the semester. Any student who receives a C or lower in his/her major instrument will automatically be placed on probation. Failure to improve the grade within the next semester may result in dismissal.

Teacher Evaluation

Students will be provided with faculty evaluation forms at the end of the academic year.

Privacy Policy

Due to Protection of Privacy legislation, Canada YC Music Academy cannot assist or give student record access to a third party without permission from the student.



Canada YC Music Academy is interim designated by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. PTIB administers the Private Training Act and associated regulations. It is responsible for ensuring institutions meet the requirements and standards for certification, maintaining a Private Training Institution Directory of all certified institutions and the programs they provide, providing student protection, and overseeing the Student Tuition Protection Fund. 

For more information about PTIB accreditation, visit: