Erhu Performance Diploma

  • Admission Requirements

Language proficiency (Chinese) must meet at least one of the following three items:

  • Complete 3 or more consecutive years of full time education (high school or above) in a country where Chinese is the principal language (e.g. China, Hong Kong, or Taiwan China).
  • Pass a level 3 HSK Chinese test. (info for HSK Chinese Test,
  • Pass the entrance Chinese language test administered by Canada YC Music Academy, the passing mark is set at 75 out of a full score of 100


  • An audition is mandatory for all applicants, and is the determining step of the admission of an applicant.
  • Applicants who are unable to attend a live audition may submit YouTube or Youku recordings.
  • Applicants should choose from these options
  1. One piece of representative work from Liu Wenjin or Wang Jianmin, 
  2. One piece of traditional Chinese music: Ting Song or ErquanYingyue, 
  3. One piece from The first Erhu Rhapsody and Yi Zhi Hua

The audition repertoire outlined represents minimal requirements; works of greater difficulty may be substituted in any category.


Fees,  Scholarships,  Bursaries

The following tuition fees are for two 16-week semesters, from April through February. Scholarships are available to many students enrolled in the College Division on the basis of needs/outstanding performance. Download our scholarships application forms below: