Vice Director at Canada Y.C. Music Academy
First prize in National Ethnic Musical Instruments Competition in China: Professional Guzheng Section
Music Director and Guzheng Section Head at Canada YC Music Academy
陈文英,著名古筝演奏家,教育家,中国音乐家学会考级评委,天津音乐学院考级委员会委员,中国民族管乐学会民族器乐演奏考级评委,中国民族管弦协会民族乐器古筝考级评委。毕业于中国天津音乐学院,在中国民族器乐比赛上获得过古筝专业组的一等奖。她个人创作的古筝独奏曲《河东遐思》曾在全国古筝研讨会上获得极大好评,被录制VCD并在中国广播电台发播。她是一代古筝宗师曹正的关门弟子,曾得到著名的古筝教育家周延甲,孙文彦及著名二胡教育家宋国生先生的指导,并荣获过“巾帼建功标兵”及“跨世纪文艺新星”的称号。 2012年担任加拿大Tzar’s Village Music Festival大师班导师,2012年还担任了加拿大Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival评委。 2015年获得第五届中国少儿小金钟音乐大赛颁发的“教育成就奖”。 2016年荣获 “加拿大杰出女性”的称号。 2017年应邀担任《盛世华筝》古筝专业评委及参与世界吉尼斯古筝记录。同年,应邀参任日本、大阪第四届国筝大会评委。 2017年和2018年获得了优秀教育指导奖。
Wenying Chen,famous guzheng performer, educator, grade judge of Chinese Musicians Association, member of grade Committee of Tianjin Conservatory of Music, grade judge of Chinese ethnic wind Instrument Performance, and grade judge of Guzheng, a national musical instrument, of Chinese Orchestra Association.Graduated from Tianjin Conservatory of Music in China, won the first prize of the Professional guzheng group in the Chinese National Instrumental Music Competition.Her guzheng solo, "Reveries on the East of the River", was highly praised at the National Guzheng Seminar and was recorded on VCD and broadcast on China Radio.She was a disciple of Cao Zheng, the famous guzheng educator Zhou Yanjia, Sun Wenyan and Song Guosheng, the famous Erhu educator. She has won the title of "Heroine Pacesetter" and "Cross-century Literary Star".In 2012, he served as master tutor of Tzar's Village Music Festival in Canada and judge of Calgary Kiwanis Music Festival in Canada.In 2015, he was awarded the "Educational Achievement Award" by the 5th Golden Bell Music Competition for Children in China.In 2016, she won the title of "Canadian Woman of the Year".In 2017, he was invited to be a professional guzheng judge for Shengshihua Zheng and participated in the Guinness World Records for Guzheng.In the same year, he was invited to participate in the 4th Guozheng Conference in Japan and Osaka.In 2017 and 2018, she won the Excellent Education Guide Award.