Graduated from Shanghai conservatory of music
Initiated the establishment of Hong Kong folk music society
Music Pro.of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
早年毕业于上海音乐学院民族音乐系,先后师从周皓、陆修棠、陈俊英、杨雨森与民间音乐家孙文明习二胡演奏,并随胡豋跳、夏野与叶栋等习中国音乐理论。毕业后,先后任职北京东方歌舞团、中央民族乐团。 1981年,吴氏移居香港,先后在香港中文大学音乐系与香港演艺学院中乐系任教;并作为发起人之一,发起成立香港民族音乐学会。1991年7月,获香港大学亚洲研究中心颁荣誉研究院士荣衔。1993年,移居加拿大温哥华。 吴氏辑着有:《二十世纪香港中乐史稿》、《近百年台湾国乐史》、《二十世纪中华国乐人物志》、《台湾百年国乐人物志》、《孙文明二胡曲集》(合编)、《传统二胡基础教程》、音乐杂文〈新音乐与国乐改进〉、〈国乐思想批判〉等合集《中国人与中国音乐》。
Wu Ganbo has graduated from the department of folk music of Shanghai conservatory of music. He studied erhu performance with Zhou Hao, Lu Xiutang, Chen Junying, Yang Yusen and the folk musician Sun Wenming , and studied Chinese music theory with Hu Jieqiang, Xia Ye and Ye Dong.After graduation, he successively worked in Beijing Oriental song and dance troupe and Central National Orchestra. In 1981, Wu moved to Hong Kong and taught in the music department of the Chinese university of Hong Kong and the Chinese music department of the Hong Kong academy for performing arts.He initiated the establishment of Hong Kong folk music society.In July 1991, he was awarded honorary research fellow by the Asian studies centre of the university of Hong Kong. He moved to vancouver, Canada, in 1993. His books include: 《History of Chinese music in Hong Kong in the 20th century》《History of Chinese music in the past 100 years》 《History of Chinese music in Taiwan》《Collection of erhu songs of sun civilization》 (co-edited), and 《 Basic course of traditional erhu》.